Nothing about this time of COVID-19 is normal and we shouldn’t expect ourselves to find any sort of “normalcy.” However, we can decide what kind of mindset we wish to have during this time.

Carol S. Dweck , Ph.D. is a Stanford University psychologist. She wrote a book called, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. In it she discusses how success in any area of our lives such as school, work, sports, relationships and parenting can be significantly influenced by our THOUGHTS on our talents and abilities. She discusses two types of people/mindsets, fixed and growth. So what does “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset” even mean? I found this graphic that I think does a great job of explaining the difference between the two.

Carol Dweck Two Mindsets

I have read Carol’s book and the research she has done around this. I sometimes fall into the fixed mindset way of thinking, but with practice and by being conscious of my thoughts, I find that I am more often using a growth mindset. This has come into handy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here is how I am navigating COV-19 with a Growth Mindset:

  • I have the opportunity to teach my kids and play an active role in their education.
  • We can spend focused family time together.
  • My word for the year is pause and I get to take a GIANT pause right now.
  • I have a lot of time to organize and declutter the house to get ready for a garage sale.
  • I have been blessed with time to catch up on all the small things at work that I usually put off.
  • I get to take time to relax and sleep in so I can rest and recharge.
  • I get to be home and stay healthy.
  • I can read the giant pile of books I have piling up on my shelf.
  • I can get back into a regular exercise routine because by the end of this I will have created a HABIT!
  • I can continue to connect with family and friends both near and far via Macro Polo, FaceTime and Zoom.
  • I get to concentrate on ways to grow and expand my photography business.
  • I can spend time connecting and communicating with my husband.


To learn more about Growth vs Fixed Mindset: